TL-Elektronic - Dělá vaše létání bezpečnější
< 2014-10 >


Our company participates in the investigation of several Aircraft accident each year. Our experience has shown that knowing the flight parameters is a key component to understanding the cause of an accident. We are therefore excited to be able to add the Flight Recorder to our range of products. This recorder will give investigators the flight data information crucial to their investigations.

Flight Recorder

The availability of this recorded data and subsequent reporting will provide a significant enhancement to flight safety, benefiting pilots, engines and airframes along the way.

Investigators from all over the world travel to our company to obtain this recorded data. The parameters are stored from tens of thousands of our instruments in operation around the world. They use the data to help clarify the reasons for fatal accidents. We have noted that the measured parameters often differ from the testimony of people who witness tragic accidents.

Regrettably with the advent of composite aircraft accidents sometimes result in a total hull loss due to fire. These fires invariably destroy the instruments recording the parameters.

As a result, during the course of this years air show season our company have officially unveiled a solid-state crash and fire protected Flight Recorder with parameters equivalent to aviation standards. For a fraction of the price you are now able to purchase a Flight Recorder that will interface with integrated systems and safely records all flight and engine parameters on manned flights, as well as currently expanding unmanned flights by UAS.

This product has the added advantage of giving you peace of mind against potential lawsuits giving you an electronic record of an incident. More information on the product page

Do not to wait and install Flight Recorder now to your flotila of aircraft! Weight is only 750grams (1.65lbs)

For any further information contact us on

Latest Release

New firmware for Integra glass cockpit with additional improvements available now!


See more

Leaflets and brochures

pdf  Integra Leaflet
pdf  Flight Recorder

See more


Phone: +420 495 482 392
Fax: +420 495 482 394
Skype: tlelektronic

TL elektronic Czech
Airport, Building 125
503 41 Hradec Kralove
Czech Republic


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